What coverage does the insurance provide?
Refund insurance in case of cancellation:
If you book a Non-Refundable or rate, free cancellation if you meet any of the 25 different causes explained in the policy
Travel health care insurance included in the reservation:
Medical assistance if you become ill during your stay, including Covid-19, up to €30,000
Free online health care
Reimbursement of holidays not taken, up to €3,000
Convalescence in the hotel if the patient has to remain in the hotel.
Repatriation or medical transport of injured or sick people
Travel expenses for a relative or companion in case of hospitalisation
Living expenses for the visiting relative or companion in case of hospitalisation.
Early return due to the hospitalisation of a relative
Loss of services contracted but not enjoyed as a result of hospitalisation.
Will I receive a copy of the policy?
Yes, once you have booked, the booking confirmation email will also include a document with all the policy details. If you book a flexible rate, you will get a copy of the policy on the check in day.
Can I read the insurance policy before booking?
All the policy terms and conditions will be sent to you by email once you have made your booking. You can also see the details before booking on the links below.
Travel Insurance Terms & Conditions Cancellation Insurance Terms & Condition How does the medical assistance work?
If you need medical assistance during your trip, contact the insurer by calling +34 93 300 10 50. An agent will assist you and tell you what you have to do to get help.
What is the coverage for assistance during your trip?
Medical and health care in Spain. Limit: €30,000
Dental expenses. Limit: € 250
Repatriation or transportation of the sick. Limit: the full cost
Repatriation or transportation of other insured people. Limit: the full cost
Travel for a relative or companion in case of hospitalisation
Convalescence in the hotel Limit: €1,500
Repatriation or transportation of any deceased insured person Limit: the full cost
Early return due to the death of a relative Limit: the full cost
Early return due to the hospitalisation of a relative Limit: the full cost
Early return due to serious incident affecting home or premises Limit: the full cost
Loss of services contracted but not enjoyed as a result of hospitalisation Limit: € 500
Assistance of a professional driver Limit: the full cost
Medical telephone consultation service Supplier: ARAG service
Refund for holidays not taken. Limit: € 3,000
Under what circumstances are cancellation costs covered?
The reimbursement of cancellation costs applicable under the general conditions of the rates with prepaiment, will be made up to a maximum amount of €10,000 provided that any of the following causes occur: 1. Death, hospitalisation for at least one night, serious illness or serious accident affecting: a) The insured person or any of their family members, as defined in the General Conditions of the Policy. b) Any of the family members, spouse or common-law partner or person who lives permanently with the insured person, understood them to be family members as defined in the General Conditions of the Policy. c) The person who during the insured persons trip is responsible for the care in their habitual place of residence of any children under the age of legal consent or handicapped d) The direct substitute of the insured person in his or her job, provided that this circumstance prevent him or her from making the trip as required by the company by which he or she is employed. In relation to the insured person, “serious illness” is anything that implies hospitalisation or the need to stay in bed within 7 days prior to the trip, and that makes it medically impossible to begin the trip on the scheduled date. “Serious accident” means any bodily harm that is unintentional for the victim arising from any sudden action by an external cause which, in the opinion of a medical professional, makes it impossible for the insured person to begin the trip on the scheduled date or entails a risk of death for any of the aforementioned family members. If the illness affects any of the persons mentioned other than the insured person, it will be understood to be serious when it implies hospitalisation for at least one night, a need to stay in bed for a period of at least 3 days or the risk of imminent death. 2. Summons of the insured person to appear as a party, witness or member of the jury in a Civil, Criminal or Employment Court. 3. Summons to serve as a member of a polling station in elections at the state, regional or municipal level. 4. Requirement to attend official exams organised by a public body after contracting the insurance. This includes both sitting or supervising said exams. 5. Serious damage caused by fire, explosion, theft or force of nature to the primary or secondary residence, or to professional premises if the insured person is self-employed or runs a company and their presence is considered imperative. 6. Due to the dismissal of the insured person by his or her employer. This will not apply if employment is terminated due to having reached the end of an employment contract, voluntary resignation or not being accepted for employment after a trial period. In all cases, the insurance policy must have been subscribed before written notice is made by the employer to the worker. 7. Starting a new job in a company other than the one than the one in which the person has been working, providing it comes with an employment contract of more than six months and that the new start happens after the trip is booked and the insurance policy thus contracted. 8. A tax declaration made in parallel by the Ministry of Economy and Finance that results the insured person having to pay out more than €600. 9. Act of air, land or naval piracy that makes it impossible for the insured person to start their trip on the scheduled date. 10. A summons for surgical intervention on the insured person or any medical tests prior to said intervention. (Includes organ transplants as both recipient or donor). 11. A summons for medical tests on the insured person or first or second degree relatives carried out by the Public Health authorities as an emergency, provided they are justified by the seriousness of the case. 12. Serious complications during pregnancy that medical opinions informs requires rest or hospitalisation of the insured person, their spouse or common-law partner, provided that said complications occur after contracting the insurance policy and seriously jeopardise the continuity or development of said pregnancy. 13. Premature delivery of a child by the insured person. 14. Police detainment of the insured person occurring after the subscription of the insurance policy and which coincides with the dates of the trip. 15. Court summons for a divorce process that occurs after the subscription of the insurance policy and coincides with the date of the trip. 16. Urgent requirement to join the armed forces, police or fire services, provided the incorporation is notified after the subscription of the insurance. 17. Medical quarantine as a result of an accidental event. 18. Unexpected call for organ transplant for: • The INSURED PERSON or a family member • The travel companion of the INSURED PERSON, included in the same booking and also insured. 19. Signature of official documents during the dates of the trip, only when required by the Public Administration. 20. Delivery of a child for adoption, which coincides with the planned travel dates. 21. The official declaration of the place of residence of the INSURED PERSON or the destination of the trip as a catastrophe zone. This guarantee also covers the official declaration of the transit area to the destination as a catastrophe zone provided that this is the only way in which to reach the destination. A maximum compensation amount of €30,000 is defined per claim. 22. Judicial declaration of suspension of payments of a company that prevents the INSURED PERSON carrying out their professional activity. 23. Theft of documentation or luggage that makes it impossible for the INSURED PERSON to start the trip. 24. Cancellation of the booking by the person who is to accompany the insured person on the trip, registered at the same time as the insured person and insured under the same contract as the insured person, provided the cancellation has its origin in one of the causes listed above and which thus entails the insured person travelling alone. 25. Cancellation of the booking by a family member of the insured person who is due to accompany the insured person on the trip, registered at the same time as the Insured person and insured under the same contract as the insured person, provided the cancellation has its origin in one of the causes listed above.
If I already have a reservation and need to cancel the reservation, what should I do?
If you meet any of the conditions described above and have booked a prepaiment rate, please follow the steps indicated below at least 24 hours before your expected arrival date at the hotel: 1. Contact su by emailr or by calling +34971691213 requesting the cancellation of the booking and the invoice for the cancellation expenses. 2. Once you have the invoice, contact the insurer by email providing your personal data and your policy number and attaching the invoice and proof of the reason for the cancellation. 3. After reviewing all the documentation provided, the insurer will contact you as soon as possible. If you have any questions, you can contact the insurer by phone on +34 93 300 10 50.
Who does the insurance cover?
The insurance covers the person who made the booking and their travel companions. So that the insurance company can identify the people involved, please fill in the data and follow the steps indicated in the following link If you are making a booking for someone else, please make sure that they are included using the link above.